Evangeline could pick up on this behavior and silently grin when Seth wasn't looking. She didn't even have to take a guess as to what was occurring, the obvious actions and stare that seemed to gaze into nowhere pretty much gave it away.
The following morning, a light knock came from the front door.
A mysterious girl, dressed up in bright colors as though she was cos playing, at atop a pile of luggage. The girl sighed and then knocked on the door again.
Evangeline opened the front door and took a long look at the girl. "Um, Seth? You might want to see who's here." she turn around and called to Seth inside the house.
"Why the hell would I care who's here?" she growled and made her way to the door.
"Who are you?" Seth scowled at the quiet teenager.
"It's Dahlia! Remember me from when we were little?"
"And how the HELL did you find our house?"
"You brought a lot of luggage for a visit.." Seth muttered. There was a long silence after that. "Actually i'm here to stay. You see I found your house by asking the priest to ask his son to ask Evangeline where you guys lived so I could-"
The door slammed in her face. Yelling could be heard coming from inside the house, Dahlia could make out some parts like, 'WHO DID YOU TELL WE EXISTED NOW?!' and '...You already know him... stupid...'
Liam walked up the steps and saw Dahlia. "Who're you?" he asked. "I'm Seth and Evangeline's cousin, who are you?"
"A friend of theirs I guess you could call me. How come you're waiting out here?"
"I have no place to go, and they won't take me in, so i'm just... waiting."
"Well then, let me see how I can help. You must be the reason my dad called me up at 5 in the morning."
Liam knocked at the door, and hear Seth mutter some cuss words from the other side. Liam grinned. "Seth, it's me." he said, hoping for the door to be opened, even if she did have a knife and was ready to kill him. Liam was too smart about romantic things however to know she didn't regret it, she could pretend all she want.
Seth opened the door and stepped outside. "What?" her tone was impatient, annoyed. Liam simply smiled again. "Well, I came by for one thing and now I have gotten two to ask you about."
"Spit it out then."
"First, why won't you let this girl stay with you? She has no where else to go, I know that even though you're mean, you can have a heart."
"Fine." Seth mumbled, folding her arms.
"Now on to the second thing.. did you regret last night?"
"No, but to be honest, there's something i'd want to try more often."
"You mean going on dates?"
"No..." she smiled at him. Seth smiled?
Seth stared at him angrily. "Snap out of it. Were you just daydreaming? I swear kissing the air won't solve anything. And no, i'm afraid I don't have a big enough heart for that. The little brat will have to find somewhere else."
"Please cousin! I'll do anything to be in that house! I can be an indentured servant or whatever for all I care, just please!" Dahlia pleaded.
"Do you ever shut up? Fine. But you're throwing out all those suitcases. And stay out of my way if you're going to live here. And knock off the bright cos playing.
"Thank you!" Dahlia screamed and ran in the house.
"Now onto the other matter at hand, Seth." Liam said, not taking his eyes off hers. "How was our date, did you regret it?"
Seth blushed heavily and then snapped out of it. "Um yes. Of course I did! Worst ever, I should kill you where you stand."
"Then do it." Liam taunted playfully, only to have the door slammed in his face.
To be continued in part two...
I knew something weird was going on when the pics got all weird like >.>
ReplyDeleteSeth bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuushed =]