Daila looked around the small house. "Nice place you got here, dark, windowless, outskirts of town... So..."
Seth folded her arms and glared. "So..?"
Evangeline popped up near them and added, "So.. then."
"Is that guy who was out there your boyfriend or something? If he was, you seemed pretty cranky towards him." Dahila asked curiously.
"No! Of course he isn't." Seth growled.
"I call dibs then."
"What?! Not that I care but why would he was some short cos player?" Seth pretended she didn't care much, however that didn't work well.
Evangeline leaned over and whispered, "Not the best topic of conversation..."
Dahila grinned and turned her gaze back to Seth. "So... you do like him, huh? But you're so much of a Ms. Crabby-butt you want to be all, 'Rawr! I have no feelings! I pretend I don't care! I live like some crazed physco-path living on the edge of town afraid to go anywhere!' just drop out of the act and into his arms! HE IS HOT! I mean come on, are you a demented serial killer or a normal person Seth?"
Evangeline burst out laughing at the thought. "You'd be surprised." she muttered.
"So, uhh I think we need to go get some groceries now. Heh." Evangeline said quietly, trying to draw attention away from the clueless one standing beside her. Evangeline yet again whispered something into Dahlia's ear, "Also meaning we are going to find Liam and you are going to witness them together."
Seth fixtated her gaze to Eva. "What was that?"
"I said the weather is um.. bad today don't you think? It's about to snow."
"Uh huh. Just leave before I actually think of what you plot this time might be. We need groceries anyways."
"YEAH! GROCERIES OF LOVE!" Dahila cheered. "I mean, I love groceries... heh."
"C'mon Eva! To the store... OF LOVE!"
The two burst out the door and ran to the taxi where Liam was being driven away.
"Wait! MYSTERIOUS HUNKY GUY! WAAAIT!" Dahila called after him. Liam turned his head to the two screaming girls and asked the drive to stop. "Mysterious hunky guy! You better come up with an excuse to go see Seth RIGHT NOW! She doesn't realize the looove."
"Mysterious.. hunky.. guy?" he questioned.
"I'll miss you and the kids." John Storr hugged his wife and smiled at their children. Ebony glared up at her father, she wasn't mad at him, just upset he had to leave. Whenever he went away, her and Zacheus' mother would send them off to the guest house or the shed for a couple nights while she stayed inside doing whatever she did with the many servants inhabiting the large mansion.
Their father grinned once again and then said to the two kids, "Now then, Zacheus, you're the big man of the house when i'm gone, and I need you to watch over Ebony and your mother, okay?"
Zacheus grinned, father he liked, mother was just plain mean. Sometimes he wondered if she was even his mommy, seeing as they looked nothing alike and she despised him and Ebony.
"Bye! I love you!" John rolled down the window and waved, before turning on to the street. As soon as the car was far enough away, their mother Kristie turned to the twins.
"Now, same as usual, mommy doesn't love you so go where you usually do, the guest house is being taken right now, but there's a bed, a fireplace, and a tv in the shed. Knock yourselves out and leave me alone."
Zacheus frowned, "How come you get to be in the house?"
"Because daddy loves me more. Now go."
Ebony spoke up, which she rarely did, "You're lying. Daddy loves us more. You stay in the shed."
"Excuse me? Is that any way to talk to your mother? Go now before I call daddy up and tell him his beautiful children ran away..."
"Let's think of the good things, Ebby. We don't have to stay near mommy, and this time we have a tv." Zacheus tossed a fake smile to his sister.
"I want to kill her." Ebony plainly said.
"Ebby, she is really- really mean, but we don't have to kill her right now."
"I want to kill her."
"Ebony to be honest, I do too, how about if things get worse, then we use it. Okay?"
"You're not listening, Zach... I want to kill her now." Ebony said once more. Zacheus sighed. "Fine Ebby, let's do the same thing we did to the meanie at our school."
"... now."
To be continued seeing at my game keeps randomly shutting down, I was going to make this one longer, way longer, but I can't seem to get the pics.
Woooo! ....hoo =D