Liam walked over to Evangeline and Dahlia. "What is it?" he asked. Dahlia pushed Evangeline, who was about to say something, out of the way. "Get in there and love her!"
Dahlia smiled, "Well then, I guess you don't like her, I on the other hand- well i'm single buddy."
"No." Liam started, "I don't really think that would ever, ever happen, you're a nice girl though."
"Hmph!" Dahlia scoffed. "Well then you just mozy on in there and be all romantic and stuff, she might not let you but," Dahlia coughed, "I would." She coughed again.
"Wow." Liam simply stated and sighed.
"And you can be all, 'Seth oh my darling a love you oh so much and get all smoochy smoochy and maybe get sexy-like and whatnot...'" Dahlia quietly added the last part.
"What the hell?" questioned Liam.
"YOU HEARD ME!" she yelled.
Evangeline cut in. "What is wrong with you? Honestly."
Dahlia folded her arms. "Okay maybe that was a little too far.. but come on! Either he's with her or he is with me."
The two adults turned wide eyed at Dahlia. It's safe to say they were both thinking of how weird and perverted a conversation was going on.
Dahlia sighed at them. "Well, if you ask me, another way to put it is Seth is the kind of person who needs to be reminded, I think. I dunno. Just guessing."
Evangeline glanced at Liam. "Well that I can agree with. But I also think you need to find an excuse to see her-" she was interupted when Liam's phone began to ring, he pulled out an old Nokia cellphone and answered it.
"Hello?" he asked.
"Better check on the house Liam..." the mysterious voiced laughed, and was followed by the sound of someone hanging up. He put down his phone.
"I should go, I will come see Seth some other time- I have really got to go.
When he arrived at his worn down house, it was set ablaze. The flames crackled and twisted around and in the house. Liam stood there, amazed for hours as it burnt down.
He pulled out his phone and called Dahlia, which was pretty much his only connection to the Hack family, after her squealing and whatnot, she handed the phone to Evangeline.
"Liam..?" Evangeline asked.
"Yeah Evangeline, I think I found an excuse..."
About twenty minutes later he arrived at the house. He knocked at the door and Evangeline answered, curious as to what went on. After the quick story, she pondered the possibilites of what could've happened.
"That's terrible and all, and I don't want to sound bad but, how exactly did your house burn down?"
"If I knew it wouldn't have burnt down. I was here with you and Dahlia when I got the call."
"Right. Well Seth and Dahlia are upstairs so if you want to tell Seth-"
As if they'd over heard, Dahlia walked downstairs, followed by Seth. "Oh Liam! You're here! Sly move to use the 'my house burnt down' excuse to come see meeee again, right Seth?"
Seth's expression didn't change. She just sounded a quick, 'Hm.' Dahlia tried to pull a puppy face and asked, "Can he stay please? He can always stay up there with me. In the dark. With candles and romantic music-"
"Knock it off will you?" snapped Seth.
"Oh am I detecting a hint of jealousy cousin?" Dahlia taunted.
"Am I detecting a hint of shutting up? Because I better be in 5 seconds..." Seth growled back.
"Well, seeing as these aren't normal circumstances and I can always slit your throat in your sleep... you can stay for one night." Seth plainly said, then added, "I'll go see if we have a sleeping bag so that Dahlia doesn't rape you or something."
"Would not!"
Dahlia seized the oppurtunity of Seth leaving to slowly get closer to Liam. "So... you come here often?" she asked.
Liam sighed, "Well look at how long Seth has been gone, I should probably go check on her."
He hurriedly went out the door and out to the small shed he'd just saw Seth walk into.
"Scary cousin you have there." commented Liam, while looking around the small shed. Seth sighed. "Well it's not my fault, you're her, 'hunky monkey man' as she calls you. At least i'm guessing she means you. "
"Huh. Oh Seth, I have a little question for you... did you really regret that date?"
"I thought I told you earlier, I do."
"Prove it. Prove it was meaningless and you don't care at all about it."
"Why do I need to prove it. It meant nothing to me. There."
"Hm. If you truly didn't care for anything that happened on that date, you wouldn't mind kissing me again, would you?"
"Or, maybe you care so much you just want another one."
"So you didn't say no you wouldn't kiss me again."
"I didn't exactly say I would either."
"And why not?" he cradled her head in his hands. She remained still and then looked at him in the eyes. "I swear if you ever tell anyone what i'm about to do I will kill you. I'm not even joking."
"Do wha-"
"See? Don't care one bit. Now leave the topic alone and by the way, you get to sleep on the floor." Seth then walked out of the shed, blushing, leaving Liam stunned. "Woah." he stated simply.
Once again, we go to the rich district of Riverview...
The lazy housewife was lounging on the couch in the parlor of the mansion, waiting for the man whom she'd been cheating her husband on. Tiny footsteps shuffled across the floor, and her twin children appeared at the back of the other couch.
"Mommy," Zacheus started, "We don't like it when you make us sad... when I get sad, Ebony gets mad, and bye go the mean people."
"What hell is wrong with you two?!" their mother was scared. They both glanced at each other and then the twins said at the same time, "Mommy, we're going to kill you now."
Zacheus pulled out the knife he had grabbed when they were in the kitchen and slowly walked towards their mother.
Ebony went around the other way and grabbed the fireplace poker, smiling.
"Now Mommy, this is going to hurt a little, but Ebony likes it when she can hear screams..."
Ebony stabbed her mother, piercing her midsection. The screaming came quickily, followed by a faint, 'Why'.
"And bye bye went the mean person." said Zacheus as his and Ebony's faces returned to normal.
"We won't miss you..."