The beautiful blonde in the mirror felt like she wasn't herself. With the wig on and the new clothes, Seth looked different. Unlike the normal woman she was. And of course Eva loved every second of it.
"I'm hideous, you know? I look so-- common..." Seth said whilst partially sighing at the new reflection.
The youngest walked up to her gloomier than usual sister. "Seth.. you look cute. Besides you can't exactly be running around in bloodstained clothes trying to pick up a guy, right?"
"Hmph. I suppose."
"Not to mention you never did anything at all with your hair, and you even refused when I asked you earlier. And, you look so much nicer."
"Do you need any tips on what to do? I could help you--"
"No. You've done enough 'helping' as it is. I'm going to the bar on the other side of town. I'll be back, then you'll see how hard my job is, and I can prove how easy yours is."
"Okay then, Seth. You try to do that. and if in the end i'm so worthless, you can do everything yourself, hm?"
"Deal." Seth said as she began to walk to the front door. She had just gotten outside when Evangeline came too, probably to get the last word in the arguement.
"You can do this, Seth, don't worry."
"I'm not worried." Seth snapped back and then walked to the edge of the sidewalk, where she called a taxi.
After a 15 minute drive across town, Seth arrived at the Mort Bar. She hurriedly stepped out of the cab and into the bar.
It was quite lively, and Seth wasn't used to it. All these people, but whom to choose? She didn't have to choose, as a man came walking up to her.
The strange man laughed. "You really changed up your look from yesterday, haven't you? You cut and straightened your hair. It looks good."
Seth was confused, who the hell was he talking about? She gasped, was it Evangeline? How could she do that? Meet someone and not bring him home. Well, if she had an attachment to this guy, Seth would surely ruin it, on purpose.
"Thanks, ummm you..?" She stared at him cluelessly.
"Umm, me what?" he smiled and laughed. "You can tell me, remember? I'm not one of the drunks here."
"It's nothing. Now hold you tongue before I--" she laughed nervously, her personality didn't suit this act.
"Fiesty, aren't we? I know you said no flirting between us but now I can't help myself-"
"Well that's too bad. You're just going to have to anyways. I have to go."
"You'll be back tomorrow, right babe?"
She hurriedly left and took the taxi home. It was already nightfall, her favorite time of the day. Seth calmed down soon enough, well for the most part, when she knew Evangeline would be critisizing her.
"Didn't go to well did it? I know, i'm good right?" Evangeline popped up behind her sister and stretched. "Now admit im good at what I do." she cockily added while chasing he sister up the steps.
Seth paused. "No. I am going to try again until I get his right, I simply had bad luck tonight. Oh and sister...?"
Evangeline's already surprised eyes grew wider from her name being heard. "Yes?"
"In the morning, I want to tell me of a person you know... and didn't inform me about before. A man, about our age, blue and black hair, wears glasses... do you know of him?"
Evangeline grew quiet.
Seth became annoyed. "I said, do you know him?"
"Yes... I do. He's-"
"Quiet. I said tell me in the morning, perhaps then I won't be so angered with you." scowled Seth.
"Oh and have a pleasant night, Evangeline." she added, just as annoyed as before. Evangeline pulled on the covers, "Yes, good night."
Of course, both of them knew it wouldn't be a 'good night'.
awesome chapter. Very curious to who this man is glasses is.