Evangeline's eyes widened at her sister. "You're joking, right? Please tell me you're joking."
Seth's still expression didn't change. "No, I'm not joking."
"Well then why the hell did you wait until it was the day of your date to to tell me! I should make you something cute to wear, I mean really you shouldn't show up in the same clothes..."
Seth sighed at her overly excited sister. "Honestly, what's the big deal?"
"First, you're going on your first date, secondly, you didn't say no to him, did you?"
"Well I couldn't exactly kill him at the time--" Seth replied quietly.
"Yeah whatever, now let me see what I can do with you..."
"Hell no." was Seth's straight-up reply to the hideous dress that Evangeline had thrown together quickly.
"What's wrong with it, it's nice and flowy-"
"It's stupid and loose fitting, if that's what you call 'flowy'."
"Fine! I'll just make that into something else then, picky. If I didn't know better I'd say you care about how he sees you."
Seth glared at her sister. "What the hell do you mean?! I just don't want to look like a damn hobbit bride."
"Fine! I'll redo it then.."
"Okay, how about now miss 'I don't care'. Good enough for you?" Evangeline asked, a little angry after 3 hours of sewing by hand.
"I suppose, can't it be a little longer though?"
"But it'll look ugly if it were longer, just trust me on this." Evangeline said, while pushing her sister to the front door. "Now go out there and um, date?"
Seth arrived at the bar to find that the scenery was completely changed, the tables and chairs were different, and no one else was there but her and Liam.
Liam looked up at his date, "Do you like it?"
"What the hell is this?" Seth asked, a little confused and angry.
"You don't think I would take you on a simple date to a run down bar do you? I happen to know the owner and talked him into letting me do this to the place, do you like it?"
"No." Seth answered.
"Forget I tried then. Why don't you take a seat? You'd be more comfortable."
Seth sat down on the chair next to her. Everything grew quiet, the two barely looked at each other. Well Seth barely looked at Liam, whilst Liam was just staring at her.
"You have pitch black eyes." he pointed out.
"So?" Seth growled at him back.
"I didn't mean it that way, they're beautiful." he simply said.
"Oh." was her quiet reply. Oddly she didn't yell, or get mad at, or do anything she'd normally do.
"Same with you." Seth said, gazing at him for a moment too.
"Are you blushing?" Liam asked, turning his head to the side a little.
"No! I wouldn't blush, especially at someone like you." she snapped.
"But you are blushing. Why do you get angry so quickly? I like it when you blush, it's cute."
The comment made Seth's cheeks even more red.
She grabbed a glass of water and sat back down, her cheeks were normal again. Liam broke out laughing.
"I've just realized something." she chuckled.
"What?" Seth asked, her tone was curious, not mad.
"I don't even know your name." he continued laughing then stopped, to wait for an answer.
"Seth." was her plain reply.
"Seth, may I ask you one thing...?"
"How is it you're calm now? I can tell your normal self is a pissed off one." Liam asked. Seth was just reminded of that herself and realized how unlike herself she was about to be if he hadn't said anything. But why does her tone change around him, and not anyone else?
"I honestly haven't the slightest clue, if you'd rather I start yelling, that's okay..."
"No, no I'm fine." he laughed a bit again. "I like it when you're like this-- are you blushing again?"
"For the last time I'm not blushing!" Seth replied quickly. Liam was laughing once again, he found all of this amusing.
"You're so cute, Seth. Ah, look at the time, it's late."
Seth looked around for a clock and spotted one on the wall, it was about midnight, but the date hadn't felt like 3 hours, it had felt like 10 minutes.
Liam walked towards her a step and whispered, "I like you, Seth."
Liam seized the opportunity to give her a kiss, Seth felt the warmth of his lips to hers and didn't pull away, hurt him, or anything.
He walked away then, leaving her confused. She touched her fingertips to her lips and then looked at them, speechless. Her heart was pounding, and her stomach got all weird.
"I hope to do this again." Liam said as he went out the door, not looking back.